
Jump to most recent AceCAST version: Version 3.2.2

Release and Versioning Methodology

To ensure consistency and improve overall usability, AceCAST uses a pseudo-semantic versioning scheme (see more on semantic versioning at Any given release version will have a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, which can be understood as follows:

  • MAJOR: Changes in the MAJOR version indicate an upgrade to a new version of WRF. For example AceCAST versions 1.*.* were all based on WRF version 3.8.1 while all AceCAST versions 2.*.* will be based on WRF version 4.2.2.

  • MINOR: Changes in the MINOR version indicate added support for new namelist options or other important features. For example AceCAST version 1.3.0 added support for a number of options such as grid_fdda=1 and fractional_seaice=1, neither of which were available in AceCAST version 1.2.0.

  • PATCH: Changes in the PATCH version indicate a bug fix related to a supported namelist option or feature.

For any given version we will provide release notes and download information within its own subsection on this page.


Not sure what we mean by supported namelist options? Check out the Namelist Configuration section.

Version 3.2.2

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Release Notes

New in v3.2.2

  • Added support for observational nudging (obs_nudge_opt = 1) and all associated sub-options. Observational nudging is a method of nudging the model where point near observations are nudged based on model error at the observation site. For more information on observational nudging check out

  • Added support for the multi_bdy_files = T option. This option can be used to run the preprocessing components (ungrib, metgrid, real) to generate the AceCAST boundary conditions asynchronously during the execution of the WRF/AceCAST simulation itself. For more information on its usage see WRF Docs - Use of Multiple Lateral Condition Files).

  • Added support for the widely used NoahMP land surface option sf_surface_physics = 4. This includes support for all of the NoahMP-related sub-options including all valid choices for dveg, opt_crs, opt_btr, opt_run, opt_sfc, opt_frz, opt_inf, opt_rad, opt_alb, opt_snf, opt_tbot, opt_stc, opt_gla, opt_rsf, opt_soil, opt_pedo, opt_crop, opt_irr, opt_irrm, opt_infdv, opt_tdrn, and noahmp_output in the &noah_mp namelist section. The exceptions to this are that opt_crop = 2 and opt_run = 5 are not supported. Note that we made some important improvements to NoahMP that are outlined in the Improvements and Bug Fixes section below.

  • Added support for the IEVA (Implicit Explicit Vertical Advection) option zadvect_implicit = 1. For grids with large aspect ratios (dx/dz >> 1) that permit explicit convection, the large time step is limited by the strongest updraft that occurs during integration. This results in time step often 20-30% smaller, or requires the use of w-filtering, such as latent-heat tendency limiting. Regions of large vertical velocities are also often very small relative to the domain. The IEVA scheme permits a larger time step by partitioning the vertical transport into an explicit piece, which uses the normal vertical schemes present in WRF, and a implicit piece which uses implicit transport (which is unconditionally stable). The combined scheme permits a larger time step than has been previously been used and reduced w-filtering. (Wicker and Skamarock, 2020, MWR)

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • The NoahMP implementation in WRF v4.2.2 has significant bugs that needed to be addressed (see Due to this we have decided to implement the newest NoahMP version for the WRF code which will likely be included in WRF version 4.5.2 or later. This includes bug fixes and a number of significant improvements that are important for anyone using the NoahMP surface layer scheme in AceCAST (sf_surface_physics option 4).

  • Implemented a tiled version of the MYNN PBL schemes (both bl_pbl_physics = 5 and bl_pbl_physics = 6). The previous implementations had massive GPU memory requirements that were overly restrictive for users of these schemes. The new tiled implementation will dynamically determine tile sizes based on the available GPU memory at runtime.

  • Fixed issue in Revised MM5 surface layer scheme (sf_sfclay_physics = 1) where in certain conditions the model would hang due to an infinite loop.

  • Revised MM5 will now report an error and forcefully exit if it attempts to use an invalid index into a lookup table during the surface layer calculation. This occurs when the model is becoming unstable and unrealistic values are being passed through the model. Previously, in both WRF and AceCAST, this situation would have caused an obscure seg-fault with no explanation. We thought it would be helpful instead to report when this issue occurs and stop the simulation afterwards.

  • AceCAST now reports where significant CFL violations occur, which can be very useful when users encounter issues with numerical instabilities in their simulations.

  • Fixed a bug that was introduced in WRF v4.4.2 in the AFWA diagnostics that caused all of the CAPE-related fields to be zero. These fields are now calculated correctly.

  • In version 3.0 we introduced optimizations that improved RRTMG performance. Due to a CUDA compiler bug this ended up causing the model to crash in many cases when running on GPUs with compute capabilities older than 8.0. These performance optimizations have been reverted in this version to ensure portability of the code on older GPUs and will be reintroduced in a future version of AceCAST when the CUDA compiler issues are resolved by NVIDIA.

Known Issues

MYNN PBL Sub-Options

Both the icloud_bl = 0 and bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 0 options fail when using the MYNN PBL option (bl_pbl_physics = 5). If these options are critical for your simulations please contact us at to ensure that we prioritize fixing this issue.



Check out the Installation Guide for further installation instructions.


If you would like to download the package from the command line you can use the wget or curl commands with the download link url from above.

Version 3.1.0

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Release Notes

New in v3.1.0

  • Added support for the Purdue-Lin microphysics mp_physics=2. This is a sophisticated scheme that has ice, snow and graupel processes, suitable for real-data high-resolution simulations.

  • Added support for all AFWA diagnostics options. For more information on these options check out (

  • Added support for spectral nudging grid_fdda=2. See WRF user guide - Analysis Nudging Runs for more information.

  • Added support for isotropic diffusion mix_isotropic=1.

  • Added support for Morrison microphysics mp_physics=10. Double-moment ice, snow, rain and graupel for cloud-resolving simulations.

  • Added support for the wind turbine drag parameterization scheme windfarm_opt=1. It represents sub-grid effects of specified turbines on wind and TKE fields. For more information on using this option see WRF README.windturbine.

  • Added support for restart runs restart=T.

  • Added support for Morrison double-moment microphysics with CESM aerosols mp_physics = 40.

  • Added support for the insert_init_cloud = T option, which turns on estimation of initial model clouds.

  • Added support for ra_call_offset = -1 (calls radiation before output).

  • Added support for all user-specified values of the blend_width option. The blend_width option determines the number of grid points in the terrain blending zone from the coarse grid to the fine grid for nested domains.

  • Added support for all aerosol input options to RRTMG aer_opt=1, aer_opt=2 and aer_opt=3.

  • AceCAST has been modified to enable use within the UEMS forecasting framework. Please contact for more information regarding using AceCAST in UEMS.

  • AceCAST executables now link to the NVIDIA HPC SDK and CUDA libraries dynamically. Users who have already installed the NVIDIA HPC SDK v21.9 for AceCAST may need to update their environment setup scripts accordingly to ensure the correct libraries are found at runtime (see Installing the NVIDIA HPC SDK).


  • Using the runtime I/O field modifications with the iofields_filename option was incredibly slow when users had significant numbers of changes since the associated routines were called on every history interval unnecessarily. This is now done a single time at the start of the simulation removing nearly all overhead associated with this option.

Known Issues

Illegal address during kernel execution in RRTMG

A number of users have reported an issue where AceCAST fails with the following message:

WRF TILE   1 IS      1 IE    500 JS      1 JE    500
an illegal memory access was encountered in ../UWisc/RRTMG_LW/ at line 698

We believe this may be a problem with the CUDA rutime/drivers and are investigating the issue. One thing that may help users in the meantime is to use different values for the RRTMG tile size by setting the ACECAST_RRTMG_LW_NUM_TILES environment variable and running again:

# Example setting the number of tiles to 3
mpirun -n 4 ./ ./acecast.exe

We suggest trying tile sizes of anything between 1 and 20. In some cases this doesn’t fix the issue.

MYNN PBL Sub-Options

Both the icloud_bl = 0 and bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 0 options fail when using the MYNN PBL option (bl_pbl_physics = 5). If these options are critical for your simulations please contact us at to ensure that we prioritize fixing this issue.

Version 3.0.1

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Release Notes

The AceCAST version 3.0.1 release includes major updates to implement the CPU-WRF version 4.4.2 release, which is the newest release of WRF (as of Feb. 18th 2023). For reference, AceCAST version 2 implemented the CPU-WRF version 4.2.2 release. If you would like more information regarding the WRF updates that were implemented in this new version of AceCAST, check out the release notes for WRF versions 4.2.2 through 4.4.2.

In addition, AceCAST version 3.0.1 includes a number of new features and bug fixes that are outlined below.

New in v3.0.1

  • Added support for full 3D diffusion option diff_opt = 2

  • Added support for LES-specific options including km_opt = 2, km_opt = 3 and m_opt = 1

  • Added support for Rayleigh damping damp_opt = 2

  • Added support for the “original” scalar advection options moist_adv_opt = 0, chem_adv_opt = 0, tracer_adv_opt = 0, scalar_adv_opt = 0 and tke_adv_opt = 0

  • Added support for water and ice friendly aerosols option wif_input_opt = 1 for use with Thompson aerosol aware microphysics (mp_physics = 28)

  • Added support for various accumulated diagnostic options including any user-specified values for bucket_mm, bucket_J and prec_acc_dt as well as support for acc_phy_tend = 1

  • Added support for UA Noah LSM snow-cover physics option ua_phys = .true.

  • Added support for using no microphysics option mp_physics = 0


  • Performance optimizations for RRTMG shortwave and longwave schemes (ra_sw_physics = 4 and ra_lw_physics = 4) as well as for WSM6 microphysics (mp_physics = 6). Although the impact of these optimizations will vary significantly from case to case, these optimizations resulted in overall speedups of up to 15% during our testing.

  • Improvements to the performance profiling activated with the environment variable ACECAST_USE_TIMERS=true. The top-down profile generated at the end of the rsl log files is extremely useful but can be hard to interpret for anyone other than the developers of AceCAST. This option now outputs a “summary” of the timing profile which should help users understand where the the time is being spent. Example (from rsl.error.0000 file):

| -------------------------------- | ------------ | --------- |
|              Name                |   Time (s)   |  Time (%) |
| -------------------------------- | ------------ | --------- |
| WRF Total                        |   200.296238 |    100.00 |
|     Initialization               |    46.051199 |     22.99 |
|         Allocate                 |     3.210721 |      1.60 |
|         I/O (Read)               |    41.070188 |     20.50 |
|         I/O (Write)              |     0.000000 |      0.00 |
|         HALO/Nesting (MPI)       |     0.136974 |      0.07 |
|         HALO/Nesting (non-MPI)   |     0.021627 |      0.01 |
|         Compute/Other            |     1.611689 |      0.80 |
|     Integration                  |   154.244787 |     77.01 |
|         I/O (Read)               |     0.769853 |      0.38 |
|         I/O (Write)              |    42.757482 |     21.35 |
|         HALO/Nesting (MPI)       |     5.807679 |      2.90 |
|         HALO/Nesting (non-MPI)   |     3.958668 |      1.98 |
|         Compute/Other            |   100.951104 |     50.40 |
|             LW Radiation         |     4.589823 |      2.29 |
|             SW Radiation         |     9.976138 |      4.98 |
|             Surface Layer        |     0.489929 |      0.24 |
|             Land Surface         |     1.183034 |      0.59 |
|             PBL                  |     5.112687 |      2.55 |
|             Cumulus              |     0.000000 |      0.00 |
|             Microphysics         |     9.959394 |      4.97 |
| -------------------------------- | ------------ | --------- |

d01 2019-11-26_19:00:00 wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF

Bug Fixes

  • WRF version 4.1.3 included a bug fix related to the single-scattering albedo and asymmetry input parameters in the RRTMG shortwave scheme (see WRF PR#997). This bug fix was not correctly implemented in AceCAST version 2, which was calculating these values the same way that WRF versions 3.5.1 through 4.1.2 were. This resulted in a slight but clear cold bias in areas with clouds when compared to simulations using newer versions of CPU-WRF. This issue has been fixed in this new version of AceCAST.

  • Removed support for cloud overlap options cldovrlp = 3 and cldovrlp = 4. It turned out that our GPU implementation was using cldovrlp = 2 regardless of what the user specified in their namelist.

  • A bug has been fixed where the model would hang at the start of a run when users attempted to use I/O quilting.

  • A bug has been fixed in Thompson Microphysics (mp_physics = 8) where, with rare but specific patch decompositions, AceCAST did not allocate enough memory for some variables, which caused an Illegal address during kernel execution error.

Known Issues

YSU PBL Performance

AceCAST version 3.0.1 introduced changes to the YSU PBL scheme (bl_pbl_physics = 1) that degraded the performance. This PBL scheme isn’t particularly expensive but this performance issue may offset some of the performance improvements from other schemes introduced in this version of AceCAST. This is a widely used option and we intend on addressing the performance in the near future.

Using WRF Restart Files

AceCAST will fail if you attempt to do a restart run using a restart file that was generated using CPU-WRF rather than another AceCAST run. This is a rare situation but users can avoid this issue by setting the force_use_old_data = .true. option in the &time_control section of the namelist.

MYNN PBL Sub-Options

Both the icloud_bl = 0 and bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 0 options fail when using the MYNN PBL option (bl_pbl_physics = 5). If these options are critical for your simulations please contact us at to ensure that we prioritize fixing this issue.

Version 2.1.0

Release Notes

AceCAST version 2.1.0 includes a number of critical bug fixes as well as support for new options.

New in v2.1.0

  • Added support for Tiedtke cumulus physics scheme (cu_physics = 6). Note that this completes AceCAST’s support for all options associated with the CONUS physics suite (physics_suite = ‘conus’).

  • Added support for SST Updates (sst_update = 1). This option can be critical for longer simulations where sea surface temperatures and a number of other surface fields vary enough that they should be updated throughout the simulation. For more information WRF Docs – SST Update for more information.

  • Added environment variable ACECAST_NPROC_X, which can be used to control the MPI domain decomposition at runtime. In many cases this option can be used to significantly improve MPI communication patterns in multi-gpu runs and can reduce overall runtimes by up to 15% in our experience internally (we suggest starting with ACECAST_NPROC_X=1).

  • Added environment variable ACECAST_ALIGN_OPT_LEVEL, which can be used to control if memory dimensions should be aligned to improve memory access at the cost of extra memory overhead. Setting ACECAST_ALIGN_OPT_LEVEL=0 will typically reduce the memory overhead of a simulation by up to 20% but will reduce the performance as well and is only recommended for users that are highly constrained by GPU memory capacity.

Bug Fixes

  • AceCAST dynamically determines a tile size when calculating the RRTMG radiation components to reduce the massive memory overhead that they require (see GPU Memory Utilization Issue). The tile size was not being calculated correctly, which caused AceCAST to use significantly more memory than was necessary (up to 100% or more in some cases). This issue has been fixed.

  • Fixed issue where AceCAST failed when using the fractional_seaice = 1 option with any surface layer option other than Revised MM5 (sf_sfclay_physics = 1).

  • Even though it was working as intended, the script was previously printing the incorrect AceCAST Version and WRF Compatibility Version when using the support check tool. It should now print the correct versions.



Check out the Installation Guide for further installation instructions.


If you would like to download the package from the command line you can use the wget or curl commands with the download link url from above.

Known Issues

SSA Calculation in RRTMG

WRF version 4.1.3 included a bug fix related to the single-scattering albedo and asymmetry input parameters in the RRTMG shortwave scheme (see WRF PR#997). This bug fix was not correctly implemented in AceCAST version 2, which is calculating these values the same way that WRF versions 3.5.1 through 4.1.2 were. This results in a slight but clear cold bias in areas with clouds when compared to simulations using newer versions of CPU-WRF.

MYNN PBL Sub-Options

Both the icloud_bl = 0 and bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 0 options fail when using the MYNN PBL option (bl_pbl_physics = 5). If these options are critical for your simulations please contact us at to ensure that we prioritize fixing this issue.

Version 2.0.0

Release Notes

This is the first release of our highly anticipated upgraded version of AceCAST based on WRF version 4.2.2. This involved a massive rework of the entire code base due to the significant changes between WRF versions 3.8.1 and 4.2.2. For a comprehensive list of supported options, check out the Namelist Support Table App page.



Check out the Installation Guide for further installation instructions.


If you would like to download the package from the command line you can use the wget or curl commands with the download link url from above.

Known Issues

SSA Calculation in RRTMG

WRF version 4.1.3 included a bug fix related to the single-scattering albedo and asymmetry input parameters in the RRTMG shortwave scheme (see WRF PR#997). This bug fix was not correctly implemented in AceCAST version 2, which is calculating these values the same way that WRF versions 3.5.1 through 4.1.2 were. This results in a slight but clear cold bias in areas with clouds when compared to simulations using newer versions of CPU-WRF.

GPU Memory Utilization Issue

The RRTMG radiation options (ra_sw_physics=4, ra_lw_physics=4) require a significant amount of GPU memory that would typically be highly restictive when users are running with large grids. To mitigate this issue we use a tiled version of these RRTMG routines, which break down the grid into smaller chunks that fit into the available GPU memory and perform the radiation calculations for each of these chunks sequentially. Due to a minor integer overflow issue, this dynamic tile size calculation doesn’t currently work for larger grid sizes. This issue does not effect the results of any simulations but does significantly limit the grid sizes that can be used for any given GPU. This issue will be resolved in the new version of AceCAST.

Fractional Seaice Issue

AceCAST fails with the following message when using the fractional_seaice = 1 option together with the sf_sfclay_physics = 2 (eta similarity) or sf_sfclay_physics = 5 (MYNN) surface layer options:

-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  module_surface_driver.G  LINE:    4936
error -- routine not yet implemented

If you encounter this issue you can turn off the fractional seaice option (fractional_seaice = 0) or use it with the sf_sfclay_physics=1 surface layer option (Revised MM5). This issue will be resolved in the next release of AceCAST.

Incorrect Version Messaging in the AceCAST Advisor Script

There is currently a bug in the script where the AceCAST Version is 1.2 rather than 2.0.0 and the WRF Compatibility Version is 3.8.1 rather than 4.2.2. The script works correctly and the incorrect versions in the output can be ignored.

Version 1.3 and Older

Due to the major changes from AceCAST version 1.* to version 2.*, it is best to use the archived acecast-v1 docs version of the documentation.