Advanced Topics

GPU Mapping with MPI and the GPU Launch Script

As discussed in the Running AceCAST section, acecast.exe is launched with MPI using the wrapper script. The purpose of the script is to assign unique GPUs to each MPI process, which requires setting the environment variable ACC_DEVICE_NUM (see NVHPC OpenACC Environment Variables) to the intended GPU device ID for each process independently. This is done by determining the local MPI rank of the current process and assigning a unique GPU to it based on what GPUs are available on that node. All of this is done automatically by launching the acecast.exe executable with mpirun and the MPI wrapper script.

Usage: mpirun [MPIRUN_OPTIONS] [--gpu-list GPU_LIST] acecast.exe

    MPIRUN_OPTIONS: use "mpirun --help" for more information

    --gpu-list GPU_LIST (optional):

            This option can be used to specify which GPUs to use for running acecast. If
            running on multiple nodes then the list applies to all nodes. GPU_LIST should
            be a comma-separated list of non-negative integers or ranges (inclusive)
            corresponding to GPU device IDs. Examples:

                --gpu-list 0,1,3
                --gpu-list 0-2,4,6

            If this option is not provided then it is assumed that all detected GPUs are
            available for use and GPU_LIST will be determined automatically using the
            nvidia-smi utility.

            Note: GPU_LIST can also be set using the ACECAST_GPU_LIST environment variable