License Information

  • After registering to use AceCAST , you should have received an email with information on downloading AceCAST as well as a license file (ex. acecast-trial.lic). This file will be checked by the acecast.exe executable at runtime to ensure the user has a valid license.

  • To ensure that AceCAST can evaluate your license at runtime there are two options:

    1. Copy the license file to the run directory you are executing acecast.exe in

    2. Point the RLM_LICENSE environment variable to the location of the license file:

      $ export RLM_LICENSE=$HOME/AceCAST/run/acecast-trial.lic
  • When running acecast, a successful license checkout should generate output similar to this in the rsl.out.0000 and rsl.error.0000 files:

    Checking out AceCAST Licenses.
    RLM license checkout:
    Product: acecast
    Version: 1
    Count:   4
    Successfully checked out licenses.